Take a look at my succulents


I don’t know why, but  that word sounds downright dirty to me. In spite of their grown-up, dirty sounding name, they can be the cutest little plants I have ever seen. I mean, have you seen the teeny-tiny, adorable containers they come in at the store?! So little. So cute.

SucculentsThis little leggy one on the end is my favorite…Elephant Bush. I have another one sitting on my piano that I’ve had for about 6 months.

Elephant BushSuch a pretty plant. The best thing about it is that it doesn’t require much from me. Just a big drink of water every two weeks or so, and a spot in my brightest room.

SucculentsThese little guys are sitting on my dining room table.  I have no idea what that spiky flower thing is, but I love it.

SucculentsI definitely recommend keeping some of these guys around. They don’t require too much attention and they add so much to any room.

SucculentsOkay, I’m done showing off my succulents. Hope you all have a wonderful day!

10 thoughts on “Take a look at my succulents

  1. Succulents is amazing! I am able to keep it on my desk at work where I have no real direct sunlight. I’ve had it since January and even I have managed to not kill it –and I kill EVERYTHING! lol

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